Lovelace Mobile App

Lovelace Mobile App

A secure mobile dating application built with Flask, Flutter and MongoDB for my Polytechnic Y2 Information Security Project.


This was a group project for my Information Security Module in 2022, Semester 2. It clarifies the distinction between application security and data security, emphasizing that while some overlap exists, the main focus should be on data security. This sets the stage for students to understand the boundaries and integration of different security domains for their project.


The primary objective of the project was to produce functions and features related to data security, although elements outside this domain may be incorporated to ensure functionality. This involved the creation of either a standalone application or a combination of applications that include web, desktop, or mobile platforms with a strong emphasis on data security.


Challenges and Solutions

  1. Learning a new programming language

  2. Integration of client and server side functionalities
    As it was my first time developing a mobile app,


Together with my team, we successfully delievered 2 presentations and the completed and secured mobile application. The first presentation was a proposal and overview of our intended project approach, covering our intended security aspects and the platform used to showcase them. The second and final presentation showcased our finished secure mobile application features and how they relate to ensuring data security.


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